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International Relations
of Russian State Hydrometeorological University

International Relations Office and Center for International Education are responsible for international activity in RSHU

Office phone: +7 812 633-01-96


Summer practice

This July Russian State Hydrometeorological University and the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute organized summer practice for 2nd-year students studying Hydrometeorology at eurogroups.

The summer course started on 12th of July in Tallin and ended on 17th of July.
Our students have learned a lot about different meteorological measurements, devices and instruments. They have learned how to analyze synoptic charts, satellite images and how to launch radiosonde.


After their arrival in Saint-Petersburg they shared impressions with us:
This July, we (students of Eurogroup) had a great chance to attend a summer meteorological training in Tallinn. To say that we enjoyed it is to say nothing! No one could imagine that it would be so interesting!
We liked both the city and the program of the summer practice. We had the unique opportunity to see new equipment, meet new people and study a lot of things.
First day we spent in Harku. People there were very hospitable. We were in museum, which is located at meteorological station and saw different old-fashioned meteorological devices and compared them with new ones. It’s so convenient that all the data is always on your computer monitor and you have to do measurements manually only in case of problems with electricity!
Next day we went to Estonian Hydrometeorological Institute where saw all the archives and knew about meteorological data bases. We had interesting talk with specialists of different spheres in meteorology. All the work they do there is really needed and used in all parts of the country.
One of the most impressive moments was the balloon sounding. Using the theodolite you can define balloon's height and trajectory and then calculate wind speed and direction.
Meteorologist must be prepared for work both day and night! One night we launched the balloon to measure different parameters of atmosphere at heights up to 15 km!
We are really happy that RSHU Eurogroups have chances to have trainings abroad! Great thanks to RSHU and its foreign colleagues from EMHI (especially our friend Villi) for hospitality and attention!
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