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International Relations
of Russian State Hydrometeorological University

International Relations Office and Center for International Education are responsible for international activity in RSHU

Office phone: +7 812 633-01-96


WMO Focal Point

— Attention! The list of key online publications of the WMO technical departments is now available. It may be of use to trainers and education and training departments.

— WMO Language and Conference Services have put out the 2012 WMO List of Abbreviations. You can also find this as a html file on the main WMO webpage.

An international symposium "Hydro-meteorological information: A tool for social and economic development?" will be held on March 22 at WMO HQ, Geneva, Switzerland.

The letter on the WMO Fellowships Opportunities in five WMO languages. This letter is to advise you of a range of WMO fellowship opportunities for studies commencing in 2012.

Guidelines for the implementation of education and training standards in Meteorology and Hydrology. Vol. I:Meteorology.

the 16th World Meteorological Congress was held at the International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG) from 16 May to 3 June 2011.

the 11th WMO Symposium on Education and Training SYMET-XI took place from 25 to 29 October 2010 in Citeko, Indonesia.
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Address: Malookhtinsky Avenue 98, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA 195196
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Office phone: +7 812 372-50-89  

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