Summer practiceThis July Russian State Hydrometeorological University and the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute organized summer practice for 2nd-year students studying Hydrometeorology at eurogroups.
The summer course started on 7th of July in Tallin and ended on 13th of July. Our students have learned a lot about different meteorological measurements, devices and instruments. They have learned how to analyze synoptic charts, satellite images and how to launch radiosonde.
After her arrival in Saint-Petersburg, Ekatherina Chumak (2nd-year student) shared her impressions with us:
«As for me, it is great idea to have a summer course abroad. Moreover we had a very pleasant schedule there. Every morning we arrived to EMHI (the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) where we listened to some lectures on modern meteorological devices, observation sites and synoptic meteorology, and we had a coffee-break every hour also. The Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute is a scientific-research center which is staffed with specialists on aviation, synoptic and satellite meteorology, computer-based modeling. EMHI has 2 buildings: the first one is in the center of Tallinn, the second one is situated in the country. We were at the meteorological station in the country mainly. The observation site is completely automated. An observer defines a type of clouds and sends telegramms to services only.
There is a meteorological museum where we saw old meteorological devices, books and photos. There are a lot of people in staff of EMHI who graduated from Russian State Hydrometeorological University. The name of our coordinator is Villi, we launched radiosondes together and obtained the data on temperature, humidity and pressure variation with altitude.
In our free time we enjoyed walking around the city, visiting museums and shopping . Tallinn is the old and wonderful city! We were at the highest top of the Oleviste Cathedral and saw a very nice city’s view.
I hope that we will visit Tallinn again… Thanks for a good summer practice!»
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