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International Relations
of Russian State Hydrometeorological University

International Relations Office and Center for International Education are responsible for international activity in RSHU

Office phone: +7 812 633-01-96


Students summer practice

This July Russian State Hydrometeorological University and the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute organized summer practice for 2nd-year students studying Hydrometeorology at eurogroups MA—265 and M—266.

The summer course started on 11th of July in Tallinn and ended on 17th of July 2010.

Our students have learned a lot about different meteorological measurements, devices and instruments. During the practice they were analyzing synoptic charts, satellite images and launching radiosondes.

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As students arrived back to St. Petersburg they shared impressions and experience with us:

This year we had great summer course in atmospheric physics in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe — in Tallinn.
As soon as arrived we visited Harku Aerological Station. There we met the head of our practice Willi Louvar. We’d like to mention that people there were very welcoming and hospitable. So, first we were in local Weather Museum (officially called Permanent Meteorological and Hydrological exposition) and saw meteorological devices of different times. After that we got an observation site and we were surprised that it is completely automated. Also we took part in the balloon sounding, we had never done it before and it was our first experience. We were using the theodolite to define balloon's trajectory and then calculate wind speed and direction at different altitudes.

Next day, we visited Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. There we met many specialists of different meteorological fields like computer-based modeling, satellite and aviation meteorology and learned a lot about their work. For example, we learned how to analyze satellite’s data, how different weather models work and we even predicted rain for weekend using weather maps.

We would like to say that our summer training was wonderful! We learned a lot and came back to St. Petersburg full of different emotions and new experience. And, of course, we want to thank for giving us the opportunity to have such a wonderful practice the RSHU, and in particular, RSHU International Relations Office.
Anna Voznesenskaya

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