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International Relations
of Russian State Hydrometeorological University

International Relations Office and Center for International Education are responsible for international activity in RSHU

Office phone: +7 812 633-01-96


Innovative decisions of modern problems in Fundamental Physics of the Atmosphere and its Applications

International Conference "Innovative decisions of modern problems in Fundamental Physics of the Atmosphere and its Applications" successfully completed on May 5 at RSHU. The Conference gather together leaders, researchers and professors of the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Russian State Hydrometeorological University to discuss the modern methods and research areas, perspective areas of research and joint research interests of Russia and Finland in the framework of cooperation of both institutions.

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In their greetings the RSHU rector Lev Karlin and Director General of FMI Petteri Taalas have noted the importance and need of future cooperation in several areas of research, such as:

— Radar and satellite meteorology, remote sensing
— Climatology
— Environmental pollution
— Numerical weather prediction
— Polar researches

Anatoly Bogush, Vice-rector on international relations has noted the historical significance of 10-year collaboration, personnel trainings and joint researches.

The discussions at the conference also was attended by undergraduate and PhD students of RSHU as a free audience. As a result the conference abstracts of undergraduate and PhD students of RSHU were published.

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Memorandum of Cooperation between RSHU and FMI was signed on May 5, 2011 for a period of 5 years with the possibility of further extension. The Memorandum aims to further cooperation in scientific research and staff training, conducting international cooperative projects and activities.

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