The Fact
RSHU participates in Erasmus Mundus programme for the second time.
Events & News
FIRST+ PEEX-AC Russian-Finnish research training intensive course at RSHU
The University of Helsinki (UH), the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), and the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) are jointly organizing the research training intensive course “Multi-Scales and -Processes Modelling and Assessment for Environmental Applications” (see announcement) as the integral part of the FIRST+ PEEX-AC (Pan-Eurasian Experiment – Academic Challenge) networking project in order: • to strength the University of Helsinki and Russian State Hydrometeorological University collaboration in the PEEX research and education agenda; • to share knowledge, experience and promote state-of-the-art research and educational tools through organization of research training intensive course; • to improve added value of research oriented education in Finnish and Russian Universities systems and boost the PEEX international collaboration.
Course Aim: to introduce young generation of researchers to special topics in atmospheric & environmental sciences, Earth system modelling approaches and applications. During the intensive course, participants will learn about the current progress and challenges in multi-scales & –processes modelling for Earth system research; meteorological/ climate and atmospheric composition modelling and models evaluation. The programme will consist of theoretical lectures & practical exercises (to be accomplished by students as small-scale research projects ending with presentation of the project results).
Course Content: Lecturing: aspects of modeling (numerical weather prediction, Earth system, climate, ensemble, atmospheric chemical transport, online integrated, processed-based; numerical schemes, physiographical data) and specific challenges; atmospheric boundary layer and dispersion and removal processes; atmospheric gas- and liquid-phase chemistry; aerosols properties, chemistry and microphysics; aerosols – cloud –radiation interactions; chemical and meteorological data assimilation; evaluation of models and verification.
Practicing: practical exercises as Small-Scale Research Projects (SSRP) on selected research topics to be accomplished by groups of students led by teachers (EC-Earth – Risto Makkonen, Enviro-HIRLAM – Alexander Mahura, MALTE-Box – Michael Boy). Main items of SSRP includes: Introduction with background discussions; Analysis of meteorological situations; Learning practical technical aspects on modelling; Performing model simulations; Visualization of results; Evaluation of possible impact on temporal-spatial variability of simulated meteorological and chemical fields; Team presentation on results and findings. Dates and Venue: 20-25 April 2020, at premises of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University Training Format: Lecturing, modelling, visualization and data analysis, discussions, work under supervision, independent work, synergy of results, students’ presentations, etc.
Language: English
Targeted Trainees and Admission: Advanced level BSc, and MSc, PhD students and PostDocs of the UHEL-INAR & FMI, RSHU, other St.Petersburg Universities
Training Expenses: There is no fee for course
Grading: Participants of the training, whom will attend all lecturing events, practically realize the exercise SSRPs and successfully defend the results and findings obtained, will be awarded the certificates and 3 ECTS.
Materials: • Drafted agenda of the ; research training intensive course • Brief description of the models: EC-Earth (description; see also: link to web-page with article); Enviro-HIRLAM (description; see also ); MALTE-Box (description; see also: ); • Small-Scale Research Project (SSRP) booklets & Introduction slides to exercises: EC-Earth (booklet & introduction to exercises); Enviro-HIRLAM (booklet & introduction to exercises); MALTE-Box (booklet & introduction to exercises);
• Info-Poster on Seamless Multi-Scale and –Processes Modelling.
Interested to participate, please, send e-mail (and provide your contact information and your Motivation Letter, CV and publication list) to Maria Krasnyakova ( & Alexander Mahura ( - until 15 December 2019
Deadline: 30th of MAY, 2019
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Call for participation in the 2nd Street-in-Grid (SinG) Modeling Symposium and the 3rd SinG Model Training Workshop
Place: Champs-sur-Marne, France Date: June 24 – 28, 2019 Deadline: June 24, 2019 |
Graduate School Scholarship, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
Assistant Professor Eric Oliver ( is looking to fill a graduate school position on "Historical variability and drivers of sea ice along coastal Labrador".
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Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) Saint-Petersburg (Russia), being a component of Regional Training Center of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) in Russia, approach to you on the issue concerning enrollee or specialists who would like to study in Russia by governmental quota in the 2019/2020 academic year and also who would like to apply for a WMO fellowship.
Russian Government Scholarship |
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